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teeth whitening guide and at home kit

Teeth Whitening Guide

Dr. Kate DDS


Teeth discolouration is one of the most common problems we see today. The discolouration of teeth is due to stains that can be grouped into two major types: intrinsic and extrinsic stains.

Intrinsic stains are a result of our genetics, trauma to the teeth or due to the use of excessive fluoride.  On the other hand, extrinsic stains are mostly originated from lifestyle habits as if food, smoking, and consuming coloured drinks.

Teeth Whitening vs Bleaching

Teeth Whitening Before and After

Most of these stains will not be easily removed by brushing the teeth and therefore, they need a specialized form of treatment known as ‘teeth whitening treatments’. The term bleaching can also be used instead of whitening. However, this term bleaching can be only used if the treatment offers the possibility of the whitened teeth to look far beyond its natural colour. In all other instances, teeth whitening is the appropriate term that can be used. Now, you can understand the reason for differences in name next time when you visit your dentist.

Teeth Whitening Treatment Options

Teeth whitening only remove the stain from the teeth leaving the natural colour of the teeth unchanged. One of the commonly used teeth whiteners is specialized kinds of toothpaste.

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

The teeth whitening come with 3 options. The easiest and the cheapest option being over the counter products or over the counter products. This cost less than $100.

Dental Clinic

However, the costliest teeth whitening option would be in-office teeth whitening treatment or teeth whitening done by your dentist. The minimum cost for this procedure is $650, which uses fast-acting hydrogen peroxide as their main ingredient in the treatment procedure.

Home Teeth Whitening Kit

At home teeth whitening kitThe third option of teeth whitening option is take-home teeth whitening kits. They cost a few hundred dollars with a maximum cost of around $400. This teeth whitening option uses slow acting carbamide peroxide. However, if you are looking for immediate results, you will have to opt for the costliest whitening option that is in-office teeth whitening procedures. While take-home kits take a longer duration to achieve any colour change, but the effect stays for very long duration than that of in-office teeth whitening option and over the counter products.

Side Effects

Over the counter products sometimes are packed with a very high amount of hydrogen peroxide, and it can be highly dangerous. These types of over the counter products give speedy whitening and maybe cheaper but, the side effects it can put you through is unimaginable. Therefore, the choice of teeth whitening should be carefully assessed before trying any of these options. Read more about the guidelines at the American Dental Association (ADA) website.

Frequent teeth whitening can also damage the teeth permanently. Therefore, the treatment of teeth whitening should be used not more frequently than once a year to prevent any effect of the chemicals that are used in the whitening options. The need for frequent teeth whitening procedures can be reduced by following a strict regime of lifestyle habits such as smoking, use of coloured cool drinks and food substances that give a dark stain on the teeth. Following this simple step helps to retain the whitened teeth for a longer duration. Teeth whitening can actually help you smile with better confidence. Let your smile sparkle!

For more guides on how to brighten your smile, please visit our homepage.

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